Molly and Sally

Molly and Sally
Sally is the dark brown dog. Molly is the light brown dog.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Molly, Sally are the best, but sometimes they can be a pest.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fat Molly!

Molly is a fat dog. She'll eat everything! I was eating a bagel. She stole it. So I tried giving Sally one. She stole it! And when she was younger, she got very sick because she got fat. The truth is, Molly eats way too much!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Stupid Sally move

Another trip to Ocean City occured. We got all of our stuff from the car. Next thing we knew, Sally was trying to attack a rottweiler and pitbull. She snapped and squealed. The other dogs owner was just sitting there laughing! We yelled at the owner and Sally was safe. It seems she tries to attack things much bigger than her!

A jump out the window (Another Sally tail)

We were driving around in Ocean City. Sally was sitting on my lap while the window was open. Sally stuck her head out the window. Then she quickly jumped out! It was very scary to see. She ran all over the road with cars right next to her. I kept screaming. My mom got out of the car and caught her. She was now safe.

Sally action tails (Sally broke her foot)

It was a cold winter night. We decided to make a fire. My dad was taking a log to the fireplace. By accident, he dropped the log on Sally's foot. She started crying so loud. That was when we figured out that Sally broke her foot. The next day we took her to the vet. They put a large cast around her foot. It clipped and clopped but that didn't stop Sally. She ran up the street and tried to run away, but we got her.


Molly has about the worst bark you would ever hear. Every morning, "Bark Bark Bark!" It's soooooooooo annoying. Sally's barking doesn't bother me so much. It's just a little squeak. Over all, they bark way too much.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Molly and Sally love to go on trips. If they see a bag, they will start jumping and screeching with joy. In the car, They'll sit, look out the window, and enjoy the ride. When we get to our destination, they'll be so excited. When it's time to leave, they will enjoy the ride back.

Hermit Crabs

The hermit crabs are pretty safe with the dogs. It seems that every time I go to the beach, I bring back one. They've been alive for four years. They creep and crawl and make a lot of noise at night. I don't care.

JJ the gerbil

JJ is a weird gerbil. He is another thing Sally will try to attack. Sally will just sit on the couch and watch Sally TV, which is watching JJ in the safety of his cage. He'll hide in his burrow while Sally stares at him. Now, JJ has a gerbil friend named Tiki that he can feel safe with.

Getting New Pets

I recently got new friends. They are guinea pigs named Milton and Palmer. I adopted them from Lunas House. We put them in a playpen and Sally tries to attack them. Then, she started eating their poop. They make a lot of it. Molly is nice to them but thinks they are puppies. She plays too tough for them so they're afraid.


The arrival went perfect when I took home my first pet, Sally. She is a cockapoo. A poodle and cocker spaniel mix. Her birthday is May 11, 2004. She is a tiny runt and really hasn't grown. She weighs about 8 pounds. Any time you touch her, she will squeak. We decided it would be better if we got her a sister. So we did. We got her a sister named Molly. She is a pomapoo. A pomeranian poodle mix. Molly's birthday is October 7, 2007. Even though Molly is younger than Sally, she is much bigger.